I think that this conversation is very telling when thinking about my reaction to turning 30. Unlike many people when they turn the big 3-0 I didn't freak out or begin a mid-life crisis. I had just accomplished two other incredible feats without breaking a sweat (well, there were some almost schvitzing moments, so not completely sweat proof, but pretty close.) After buying a house and getting married, turning 30 seemed like a piece of cake (which I now have to be even more weary of- damn metabolism-lol). I'm looking forward to maintaing my status as a flirty and fun 30 year old and plan to continue to Carpe Diem as often as possible.
Now, some of you may be wondering how I am maintaining this attitude. It is very simple...
a) Amazing friends and family to keep me grounded
b) Great genes
c) Working in a field that keeps you young or at least that's what I keep telling myself
In my world I have the great fortune to be able to walk into a room, and depending on the day, completely fit in.What I mean by this is everyday I get to work with undergrads whom for the most part upon meeting me always assume that I'm only a few years older than them (if they only knew...maniacal laugh). But seriously, I can't tell you how many times I've walked in a room sat down and had a student say to me, "Hey, when do you think the presenter is going to show up?" Unbeknownst to them, I am said presenter. More times than not when my students find out my real age they are in shock (or at least play it off that way--you can bet that I will never ask them if they're just trying to be nice).
I would be remiss if I didn't also say that having amazing co-workers definitely helps. This year we celebrated my birthday along with two of our other friends in an unforgettable way. Before I go into the story, I have to share this picture first so that you can truly appreciate the awesomeness of this experience.
Once we got back to the office to celebrate some more with our other co-workers, we retold the events of the lunch and not surprisingly, laughter ensued. I mean if we're related it's truly amazing how we not only changed race, but religion, and ethnicity. What a hell of a gene pool! So, I'll leave you with our family portrait...
Long live the Birthday triplets, Ignacio, Chiquita, and Lupita Banana! |