Sunday, February 10, 2013

This is what happens when I don't want to spend $5 on puppy ice cream...

So as many of you know I have a penchant for pampering my pup and I have found a great recipe for "Frosty Paws"! For those of you unfamiliar with "Frosty Paws" here's more about this great product,

"Frosty Paws" typically run around $5 a pop and only have 4 per container. With as many treats as Manny goes through we used to only buy them for special occasions, however now with this new recipe, he can have them all of the time!!

*Side note, I used a blender and ice cube trays because was easier....

Manny tested and approved!
Step 1

Find two hungry puppies (or kitties, ferrets, hedgehogs, etc. who love store bought Frosty Paws) after a long day in the pool. Pictured here.

Step 2

Assemble all your ingredients. I like doubling the batch.
2 lb – 32 oz container of plain yogurt
Peanut Butter
1-2 Ripe bananas
Plastic containers
Spatula, masher and small ladle

Step 3

Take 1-2 peeled, ripened bananas and put them in mixing bowl and mash ‘em. Mash ‘em hard. Mash ‘em good.

Step 4

Empty entire container of yogurt into bowl. You can use any kind of plain yogurt. I would not use non-fat unless Fido needs has some serious love handles, but you’re his master.

Step 5

Squeeze some honey on top. I would say around 2-4 tblsp – but I like to “feel” the measurements. I’m kind of rebellious that way.

Step 6

Add the peanut butter.  You can use as little as 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup. I even use a little bit more sometimes. Once again, I “felt” this one up. I use this creamy PB because we go through PB in our home like it was, well PB. The dogs love this kind. Feel free to use all-natural, organic or whatever. Be careful using chunky if you have small nugget dogs like Chee-waw-was. Do not need Pepe being rushed to the vet for choking on peanut chunks.

Step 7

When you have all these together, mix it really well so everything is combined.

Step 8

It should look like this. I am sure you women who have babies know of this particular substance.

Step 9

WHOOPS! Don’t forget the LOVE!!! This is mandatory ’cause love makes it all happen. ;-)

Step 10

Start ladling into little containers. If you have smaller dogs, I suggest filling up ice cube trays. They are perfect for small dog treats and you can give them 1 or 2. What I like about these containers is that if they do not want the rest, you can put the lid on and back to the freezer you go!

Step 11

After they are filled, bang them lightly on table to settle and wipe off any messes around rim.

Step 12

Pop the lids on!

Step 13

Put in freezer next to edamame and Reese’s. Breakfast of Champions.
If you have done this correctly, then you will no doubt have happy doggies!
Enjoy and I hope you all found this helpful!

About Mariam

Life is sweet

Life is sweet

And they lived happily ever after

And they lived happily ever after

One day a beautiful Jewish girl met a nice Jewish boy and made their mothers very, very, very happy

One day a beautiful Jewish girl met a nice Jewish boy and made their mothers very, very, very happy

About Me

For those of you who know me, writing has always been one of my passions, with the exception of my Masters or any ridiculously long testament within the wide world of Academia. I've only had the pleasure of blogging a couple of times, mostly for a few classes in graduate school, but figured it was time to organize my numerous thoughts and musings with all of you out there in cyber land. I created this page because my mind is always running and often times my thoughts get lost in the hubub. Plus, my friends have always said that I'm a great storyteller, so I'd love to share them now with you. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this... Throughout the past 33 years of my life I've seen, heard, and experienced so many different things as well as had many adventures and dream of so many possibilities. But in short, what it comes down to is this..I'm just a little Jubana trying to make a difference in the world. Everyday I live my life to the fullest and have fun doing it. Life can't always be about work or how much money you make. There's so much more to life than that.