Monday, January 7, 2013

So that's what Jews do on Christmas...

As I mentioned in my previous post, myself and my fellow Tribespeople, often feel like christmas time is lost on us since you know...we're not Christian and celebrate Christmas and all. However, we will gladly take this well deserved break from the hustle and bustle of our lives to enjoy time with our friends and family. This year Brad and I spent the days leading up to Christmas cleaning, organizing, and well...unpacking parts of our house leftover from the move in. We also spent some time with some good friends before heading off to Dallas Christmas Day. Once we got to Dallas the unthinkable and completely unexpected happened...

Now for many of you this may not seem like a huge deal because well, in most states, winter usually equals cold weather which leads to precipitation which logically leads to ice and snow. For us Texans, winter typically follows almost a menopausal cycle if you will. Hot--cold--Hot--Hot--semi cold. Well, not this year friends!! Christmas Day 2012 it snowed in Dallas, Texas! Which of course means everyone freaks out and no one goes anywhere, because Dallasites typically can't drive in anything other than sunny weather. So after enjoying a lovely brunch with the family Brad and I took the little one out to enjoy his first snowfall.

After some excitement in the snow, Manny came back in the house and cuddled up for a nap with his bis-Abuelo, David.

That night we braved the predicted snow and ice to see Parental Guidance with my parents and noshed on some delish pizza at the Movie Grill, which definitely beat the Chinese place we usually go to Lol. But all in all, it was a great day spent with wonderful people.

About Mariam

Life is sweet

Life is sweet

And they lived happily ever after

And they lived happily ever after

One day a beautiful Jewish girl met a nice Jewish boy and made their mothers very, very, very happy

One day a beautiful Jewish girl met a nice Jewish boy and made their mothers very, very, very happy

About Me

For those of you who know me, writing has always been one of my passions, with the exception of my Masters or any ridiculously long testament within the wide world of Academia. I've only had the pleasure of blogging a couple of times, mostly for a few classes in graduate school, but figured it was time to organize my numerous thoughts and musings with all of you out there in cyber land. I created this page because my mind is always running and often times my thoughts get lost in the hubub. Plus, my friends have always said that I'm a great storyteller, so I'd love to share them now with you. In the meantime, I'll leave you with this... Throughout the past 33 years of my life I've seen, heard, and experienced so many different things as well as had many adventures and dream of so many possibilities. But in short, what it comes down to is this..I'm just a little Jubana trying to make a difference in the world. Everyday I live my life to the fullest and have fun doing it. Life can't always be about work or how much money you make. There's so much more to life than that.